People, Passion and Purpose at Broadway Arts

People, Passion and Purpose at Broadway Arts

Joseph LaLima

When did you first know you wanted to open an art gallery? What have you learned over the years?
I’ve known I wanted my own studio/gallery since leaving college in 1995. I’ve learned over the years it’s not nearly as easy as I thought it would be. It requires organizing, time and planning—and this creative mind does not possess a great deal of those qualities and requirements. Needless to say, it’s an experience and a risk that I’m certainly enjoying along the way.

Have you changed your focus about the type of work you exhibit?
In my opinion, there’s no right or wrong way to exhibit art. I personally enjoy and welcome street art to fine art on my gallery walls. When deciding who will hang on my walls, some key factors are the person, their passion and their purpose. After we’ve crossed those paths, we talk, we view their work and then we decide together if they are a fit.

Do you also teach and/or make art or are you strictly a gallery owner? If you make art, what favorite medium(s) do you use to create? Do you consider yourself a mentor and, if so, how do you see your role?
I dabble in all kinds of paint but my favorite medium is aerosol. I don’t see myself any different being a gallery owner, I’m Joe across the board. My responsibilities have increased and the mentoring has gone to another level. I enjoy the unknown artists in my community and together we take on the responsibilities and look out for one another and thrive together. I could not do any of this without them.

What’s coming up at Broadway Arts?
We have some really good workshops, classes, events and community projects in the works. Check our website for regular updates

How has being in Kingston enhanced/inspired your work? What do you like best about living in Kingston/being involved with MAD? How long have you been here?
I’m a lifetime resident of Kingston, my family business is in Midtown and has been for over 40 years so I am excited about the arts in and around Kingston. I’m very excited about MAD and look forward to what is to come Last but certainly not least I’d like to thank friends, family and especially my community for all the support they give.

Broadway Arts Gallery
694 Broadway