June MAD Notes

June MAD Notes

Recapping the June 1, 2017, Meeting

Lace Mill Unity Show Follow-up
The show on May 6 – 13 was very successful and organizers Lisa Kelley and Sarah Carlson plan to mount another show in the near future. As this event is totally consistent with MAD objectives, the Steering Committee is interested in supporting future shows via publicity and funding.

Celebration of the Arts
August 3 at The Collective at Broadway Commons
Peter Wetzler is the executive curator for this event and planning is underway. Several performers from last year, as well as new ones, are confirmed for the program.

The People’s Picnic at Broadway Commons
July 20 and the 3rd Thursday of each month
This monthly collaborative art project and public event created by Riley Johndonnell of UMEWE is designed to inspire optimism, connectivity and community. Several tables will be provided and MAD is sponsoring two of them.

Art Party Over Night by Art Mafia
July 1
The upcoming 1st Saturday festivities on July 1 will feature several businesses that are hosting grand and soft openings. Art Mafia conceived of this idea to promote the Midtown businesses and bolster awareness of the arts district.

Broadway Design
Meeting on June 19
As the City of Kingston prepares to upgrade the design of the intersection of Broadway, the Kingston Rail Trail and I-587, a June 19 meeting will be held to determine final design choices. Three major groups—the Heritage Area, The Kingston Greenline and MAD—are involved in the process with the City.

MAD will request that the City consider the following features:

  • Create three gateway locations—Broadway at the proposed I-587 roundabout, Broadway at Broad Street in front of the Millard Building, and at the head of Cornell Street—with large MAD markers or temporary/permanent sculptural features announcing the arts district.
  • Place horizontal bars on light poles along Broadway and Cornell Street to serve as banner displays for the arts district as well as promotion of occasional special events.
  • Use color to make benches unique along the Broadway and Cornell Street corridors and replace them in the future with distinctively designed benches created by a local artist perhaps through a design competition.
  • Sidewalk design should have elements (pavers, etc.) to serve as placeholders; these could be replaced in future with unique designs developed by MAD artist(s) or neighborhood residents. Consideration should be given to creating adjoining public spaces (in addition to Broadway Commons) and mural displays. These ideas may be beyond the scope of the current Broadway design. The addition of sculpture along both Broadway and Cornell Street corridors should also be anticipated.

July 6 Meeting of MAD Steering Committee
The MAD Steering Committee meets on the first Thursday of every month at 9:30 a.m. at Cornell Street Studios. The next meeting will be held on July 6 and all are welcome to attend.