Pop-Up Fine Art Market “a perfect fit” with Made in Kingston

Pop-Up Fine Art Market “a perfect fit” with Made in Kingston

Photo by Gloria Waslyn

Organizers of the 5th Annual Made in Kingston market at The Metro deemed it an unqualified success. MiK attracted record crowds on Thursday, December 7, offering the MAD Pop-Up Fine Art Market a resounding debut.

“This MAD Pop-Up Fine Art Market started as a long shot but proved to be a perfect fit with the market that Made in Kingston provided. All the artists that participated were impressed and very happy with the exposure it provided and more than half of them sold work. All expressed interest in being part of next year’s show,” said Ray Curran, Vice President, MAD Board of Directors. “This Pop-Up experience could be a formula which might lead to additional art show opportunities for MAD in the future.”

Left to Right: Ray Curran (Vice President, MAD Board), Chris Silva (Executive Director, Bardovan Presents), Anne Bailey (President, MAD Board), Mayor Steve Noble, Richard Frumess (Treasurer, MAD Board)